Friday, February 5, 2010

The Simpsons Mixer What Simpsons Episode Was It Where Bart Puts A Can Of Homers Beer In A Paint Mixer And It Explodes?

What simpsons episode was it where bart puts a can of homers beer in a paint mixer and it explodes? - the simpsons mixer

I think the result would be fools day or somthing and beard, put a can of beer in a paint mixer circuit for agitation and then when Homer opened the box to sell.

Which episode was it?


Funkmast... said...

This episode is a clip show is called "So It's Come To This: A Simpsons Clip Show." April Fool's Day story is what they call the wrapper around the history and is the only new material in the episode, the rest is from excerpts from past programs. It is the 4th episode 9F17 Season

Wendy's Chili said...

Bart's April Fool's joke.

Johnny J. Bexley said...

Now we have to-A Simpsons Clip Show is the name of this episode happened. This is an April Fool's joke by Bart.

Rihannaf... said...

Bart's April Fool's joke. I love these - mainly sitting in the episode where Homer and Bart a state of coma at his side, he begins to speak with him and see that the machine does Homer Bart 'faces instead of a line pulse. Even if Bart makes a sincere apology and then jumps to Homer and start strangling! * Laughs *

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