Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nose Itching Fear Herpes What Should I Do About Crazy Head Picking Roommate?

What should I do about crazy head picking roommate? - nose itching fear herpes

I have a roommate who insisted on the selection Pyscho my scalp for dry skin. My skin is in good shape, but it itches, and I insist that the MotherLoad and me against my will, if he is satisfied that nothing remains. The strange thing is that she is afraid that if someone takes his nose, or wherever you go. She screams in fear and flee. I tried to head back, but she cries and cries. You do not know what to do with it?


whiskeyf... said...

How is it a monkey? to choose their leader, is the wierdest at the moment, and I think you should get a new roommate or move to.

Julia D said...

Head tie and pick up more, and another, still another and another and another to again and again. Maniac, and make him laugh. After his film snot. Get some of the neighbors, when you go.

Sbacas Z said...

Here you can find another roommate.

Cookie On My Mind said...

Ummm WOW It is rare to find someone for the Board

sweetluv... said...

When her angry and UU behavior can no longer be able to endure and perhaps u go move to a new roommate. Another way is severely disabled and can finally stop bugging or so. Communication is the key. Try it out.

Boy George is God said...

Take a shnibble, it can be satisfied? "

Anonymous said...

Lolol. Give him the benefit of the doubt that his story is true, it would be better for you to find alternative accommodation immediately.

dianna_l... said...

two words: eviction

dianna_l... said...

two words: eviction

txoffice... said...

You need to find a new partner. Their habits are very disturbing and the line. You have to stop in time and find a new partner. Good luck.

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