Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wh Y Would Monitor Lose Power Wh Y Are People So Rude And Inconsiderate On Y&A?

Wh y are people so rude and inconsiderate on Y&A? - wh y would monitor lose power

Yesterday I had a question of curiosity and bordum and few people had the audacity, rude comments about me and my question to make.


Nanita said...

Do not worry rage, and like it for 2 points. I am responding to some real people. Oh, hang the people who made rude comments.

It's a Breezey day!!! said...

You will get it, because nobody knows who they are and not later to face. Some think it's very funny to be rude, obnoxious and insulting.

troubl50... said...

rude people everywhere.

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